Posts and Such

Cleaned and showered. Don't worry. :)

Questions, comments, and insults: I'll take them all.

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

POTD for June 30th, 2009 - "Root for the Home Team"

POTD - Pic of the Day - Sailor Harry tries to provide his loving public a glimpse at the what he sees in the Sandbox, almost every day.

"Root for the Home Team" - Luckl, last year, I was able to see a couple Blue Crabs games last year during their first season. I remember going to Bowie and seeing the Baysocks, and now my family doesn't have to go that far to see a game. The stadium is nice and brand new and the games I did get to see were really enjoyable. Go Southern MD Blue Crabs!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Fun-filled week, to say the least....

I am, of course, being sarcastic. Last week was filled with so much news, it was almost a little hard for this dirt sailor to keep up with. Famous deaths, protests in Iran, and cautious happenings with our buddies in North Korea. I decided to pass sometime reading, what I thought was an appropriate book at the time.

Better knock, what I consider the least important news stories, out first. Farrah Fawcet, Ed McMahon, Michael Jackson, and now, Billy Mays all died. Wow, it almost sounds like a cruel joke, where you ask yourself, "Who's next?" Mays was the biggest surprise to me, and to be completely honest, the only one where I went, "Aww, man!" Farrah Fawcet and McMahon were before my time, and MJ, well, as Short-Round would say: "He crazy!"

In fact, our little Vietnamese friend would probably also say, "Dr. Jones say, no going to crazy man's house. He say, crazy, plastic man will try to hug me.... inappropriately." Whether you believe he was innocent or not, the fact was he was more than a bit off the reservation. The real disturbing part, isn't his transformation to Barbie's creepy cousin, who is kept in the attic, it's the amount of news coverage totally focused on him and his family. But I always complain on how the "real" news gets ignored, and the priority is celebrity nonsense. I'm saying his death wasn't nonsense, just that we understand the King of Pop has passed away and there are other things in the world brewing.

Death always sucks, especially those who are friends or family to the individual. Trust me, I know. I am not trying to be cold to the musician, it's just that, the way people, for whatever reason, go on about how MJ "touched" and improved their lives seems a bit odd. Maybe I'm just saying it because I'm not exactly a fan of his work. To be honest, Billy Mays touched my life more than any of the other stars who died. I wouldn't have known about Oxy-Clean if it wasn't for him. I thought this was nice. If MJ was your idol, I'm sorry for your lost. He was not mine, and I can't say that my life will change in any way now that he's gone. For many others, this is different, and it is a tragedy. Sorry about what happened, and I hope you all pull through fine. There are plenty of memorials for him and many people who mourn for him.

Back on track... OH YES, so Iran. Nice to finally see it's citizens revolting against the Regime. However, is it too late, and what will come out of it? I, like many others, are curious to see this thing along, and wish our president would be more active with the situation. We understand health care is important, but when an opportunity to do the most with Iran besides war is knocking, here's hoping he'd do more than the little that has been done. Even if the "Green Revolution" succeeds and Ahaminejad, the little piss ant, gets removed from office, I don't see much changing with Iran's relationship with America. This election dispute is not like the Islamic Revolution and the real problem is still in charge. For Iran to truly change it's course, not only do you need to get rid of the puppet president, you need to get rid of the puppeteer, and I mean the Ayatollah and the others behind the scenes.

Lastly, North Korea. It gives me goosebumps, not in a bad way, but from a strange curiosity of what could possibly happen from this. North Korea has always been that nasty pimple that threatens to infect your face if action is taken, and the doctor (the UN) simply prescribes a weak face cream. It's nasty, and you know of the easiest way to clear it right up. But, with pleas from a couple of your friends, you decide to listen to the doctor, apply the cream, and watch it come and go, always nastier each time it comes back, usually the night of a big date or activity. North Korea has threatened to pretty much wipe America off the face of the map with a proposed nuclear arsenal. Call me arrogant, but I can't help but act like these guys: Give it your best shot. I'm not saying that we have nothing to worry about, the idea of real nuclear war is frightening and nuclear weapons should only be used as a deterrant. They should never be used in an act of war, and their presence simply to prevent war, period. But when you look at a country like North Korea, see the genius who runs the country, and you simply wonder. They say if we stop their vessel it will be an act of war. I believe, it would finally show the North Koreans that we still mean business.

NK is nothing more than a little punk, and like a little punk, a quick jab to the nose, and it crumbles to floor. If there ever was a conflict where many could agree that it was a necessary evil, I'm sure North Korea would be one of them. I'm not saying war is the only option, but I won't disagree that maybe we didn't finish a job the first time.

- Sailor Harry

Thursday, June 25, 2009

POTD for June 25th, 2009 - "Green Haze"

POTD - Pic of the Day - Sailor Harry tries to provide his loving public a glimpse at the what he sees in the Sandbox, almost every day.

"Green Haze" - Today's pic is a glimpse through night vision. Night vision is cool and thought I'd share it with you. It's cool because there is nothing funnier than scaring someone so bad that they scream and draw their weapon on you. Wait, maybe it isn't. Anyways.....
I will start tagging my daily pics with the POTD tag so you all can find them easier. Just look on the right of the page for "Labels", and click on "POTD".
- Sailor Harry

New Weird Al!!!

Weird Al has just released a new single, titled "Craigslist", which can be found here. Unfortunately, being outside the US, I cannot purchase it to review it for you, however the preview makes it sound like a tribute to The Doors, complete with groan-y lyrics and organ solos. NPR even did a review on it, which I think they gave the man justice.

If anyone downloads this, please let me know how it is. It's on my "To-Do" list when I get back.

- Sailor Harry

Little kids are awsome!

Operation Gratitude's mission is simple:

About Operation Gratitude:Operation Gratitude is the 501 (c) (3) non-profit, volunteer organization that annually sends 100,000+ care packages of items and letters addressed to individually named U.S. Service Members deployed in hostile overseas regions. Our mission is to lift morale, bring a smile to a service member's face and to express to our Armed Forces the appreciation and support of the American people. Each package contains donated product valued at ~$100 and costs the organization $11 to assemble and ship. Since its inception in March, 2003, Operation Gratitude has shipped more than 450,000 packages to American military deployed overseas.

My thanks go to little Madison, who's family put together a really nice care package for me. I'd also like to thank Op Graditude for being there for us while we're over here. Not much of a post today, but hopefully something happens in the next couple of days that's post-worthy.

- Sailor Harry

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New Beginnings: In other words, FIRST POST!

"This is the first night of the tour. Thought I'd give it a try." - Robin Williams: Live 2002

So I thought I'd go for this blog thing. Apparently a couple of my emails back home were funny enough for a couple people to comment that I should save a few of them. Firstly, I will post the couple good ones. Look forward to my daily pics from Iraq and some quick stories for your entertainment and enjoyment.

Hopefully I can get a few readers here and this can continue and become more than just a place for my posts from Iraq.

Today's picture shows why Navy is better than Army. Though it looks like something you'd see at a nature center, you can be sure it's more comfortable and awesome-er than wearing Army ACUs in this heat. I fondly refer to it as my "Ranger Rick" uniform and I happily stroll around this tiny place, garnering nothing but dirty looks and curious stares. It's nice to see the bothersome SGT Majors, confused as hell, trying to determine whether they should take the chance and inspect my authorized, Navy "uniform".

I don't leave the Wire in this getup, but I'm sure if I were, it would be awesome... till the first bullet whizzes by my head, that is.