Posts and Such

Cleaned and showered. Don't worry. :)

Questions, comments, and insults: I'll take them all.

Like what you read, confused about it, or just wanna throw some virtual phlem? Send it all here.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Sailor Harry here, disproving those that thought I wouldn't make it ut of Iraq alive. Sorry to dissapoint, though knowing me, no one is dissapointed. In fact, I'm sure you all are estatic as I am for being close to returning home. Well, you're wrong. Why? It has been the shared feeling of most that it doesn't feel like we're going home yet. Maybe it won't hit us till we're in civilian clothes on our way to Germany. Maybe when I take my first sip of actual beer. Or mayber it will be when I get a hug from my family.

Kuwait is Kuwait. I hate thee with but a passion reserved for one that has done only wrong. (I'm bored, it's early, and my mind is wandering.) Spent the morning doing laundry and talking with a couple Aussies. Just proves more that no matter where I'm at I'd rather be Down Under... With family, of course.

I have a feeling that my entries will not be entered on a daily basis this week, as I'll be busy this whole week. If so, I may post when I get to Germany. If that's the case, see you in Europe!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Don't you loving waiting for something? Anything? I love to wait. Hell, I wait to wait. Going to Kuwait... eventually.

Friday, October 23, 2009

So close, I can taste it. Or maybe thats the burnt trash...

Holy Hell! Almost out of this place and all I have to show for it is a tan and a tee-shirt. OK, maybe a little more and not dissapointed in the least. Nice to be with most of the original team again, and the picture shows that we are all happy to be together and soon on our way home. I will update our progress as we go along and so people don't think this blog was temporary I do plan on sticking with it for a long time. I got orders to Germany and what kind of friend would I be if I kept pictures of Europe from you folks? Be home soon. Enjoy these pictures of me speaking to Sadam. CLICK ME! ME TOO!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pearls Before Sailor Harry

USO gave us a treat here in Baghdad. 10 cartoonists came to visit us here and I was able to sit down and chat with Stephen Pastis while he drew me one of my family's favorite charachters from his strip, Pearls Before Swine. Most of USO hosted events would get canceled when I was at Speicher or Brassfield, so it was nice to actually be a part of this one. This post is short as I've included several pictures. Pastis is an awesome guy and I love the drawing, but appreciate even more the time he spent coming out and visiting us.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Who's on First?

Just a heads up, this tend to be a bit obscene. If you are against foul language, don't watch. If you do watch, you forgo the right to complain to me about it. Don't like bad language, don't watch. Very funny, to say the least:

POTD for October 20th, 2009: "Oooo! Shiny"

Today, Sailor Harry got a nice, shiny Army Commedation medal.

For exceptionally meritorious service while serving as an intelligence analyst for Weapons Intelligence Team One in support of OIF. IS2 Atchison's dedication during combat operations in Iraq contributed significantly to the command's mission success. His actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, Combined Joint Task Force Troy, and the United States Navy.

Here is what it says in the write-up for the award. Shame that though it says it covers the time I'm in country, they did the write-ups for end of tour awards half way through deployment. For those curious to what exactly I did while I was over here on vacation, take a read.

#1 Superbly supported Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Mobile Unit Six and 3-25 Brigade Combat Team operations as an Intelligence Analyst on Weapons Intelligence Team (WIT) 1. He executed 27 combat missions, with over 172 hours outside-the-wire in hostile areas, conducting battlefield exploitation of weapons caches, IEDs, RKG-3 anti-armor grenade attacks, and indirect fire incidents. PO2 Atchison gathered critical pieces of forensic data to identify and disrupt IED-networks in the Salah ad Din Province.

#2 Provided key support to the first Combined Joint Task Force Troy-North Iraqi Police Counter Explosive Team (IP-CET) Combined Commanders Confrence from 25-26 July, 2009. He spent over 24 hours supporting the event ensuring material readiness of Improvised Explosive Device (IED) training evolutions and demonstrations and provided security for an Iraqi troop encampment on COB Speicher. The dedication of PO2 Atchison fostered goodwill with the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF), and enhanced their capability to counter the IED threat in the region.

#3 Operated in an independent support role at FOB brassfield-Mora for the 630th, 797th, and 710th EOD Companies. He exploited over 674 pieces of IED evidence collected on incident scenes and through turn-ins by Iraqi EOD and IP-CET. His careful evidence handling enabled the identification of five latent prints of value. This sparked target and warrant packages and subsequent removal of violent extremists from the tactical landscape, thereby creating a safer enviornment for Coalition Forces in MND-North.

#4 Brilliantly collaberated with Coallition Forces and IP-CET to establish effective training and information-sharing networks. His contributions fostered vital sensitive site exploitation training and evidence gathering/handling techniques which resulted in the detention of over five enemy insurgents to be prosecuted in the Central Criminal Court of Iraq. PO2 Atchison's decisive actions reduced the operational capabilities of extremist groups and provided effective new Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) for Coallition Forces.

This did cover most of the work I did, however, I went outside the wire almost twice what the write-up states, and processed double the amount of evidence. All complaints aside, I'm content with my colered piece of ribbon.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Life Goes On

I think it's safe to presume that many of my friends' reactions when I broke the news to them that I'd be in a place full of sand, high temperatures, and a significant lack of booze. I had gone on and on about how I wanted to come to Iraq for so long, but as how things go with life, most assumed that I would see that grass isn't the color it was previously assumed. Many figured I would do the common sense thing and instead of being excited, nay, estatic, about the thought of going to Iraq, I would regret my desire to going in the first place. There were those that assumed I'd get here and simply hate it, find the same things here that I detested back in Norfolk, and want nothing more than to just come straight home on the next flight.

That's not to say that things weren't rediscovered, nor did I "escape" everything that plagued me back home. But I am writing about something that I did leave behind. Something I'm not proud of at all, and rather not think of too much of. Still, especially after having a talk with my Navy buddy about crap he had to deal with before and during this deployment, I figured I'd share with you all the best thing to happen to me because of my time here. I think I'm one of a very few that can safely say, "Iraq saved my life."

Because I'm not 100% comfortable discussing this with my loving public, as it would insinuate that even I, Sailor Harry, have flaws, I will be brief, yet blunt. My family has a history with depression. A history with dark chapters that I'm not willing to repeat. Well, not willing anymore.

My time spent in Norfolk was dismal. I do have fond memories deployed on the ship, especially in port. But the majority of the time was spent sulking, wallowing in self pity, and stagnating myself, desiring for more and loathing my exisitence aboard the USS Bataan. To make maters worse, I had a mouth, foul attitude, lack of personal responsibility, and I seemed to constantly forget how to self start... myself. I get into yelling matches with my superiors and was not proving myself or reaching the "goals" I set out for myself when I first came to the command back in 2006.

The time leading up to before I found out about Iraq was tough, if not pathetic. I requested and volunteered for an IA but was told my chances going were doubtful. Then I was turned down, as another was selected. Then I was told I wouldn't be allowed to go due to medical reasons. With this bait and switch, my depression worsen and I was ready to go through with the final extreme. And for what? There was no good reason! I type this and am disgusted. It was my worse moment, my worst weakness. I'm pretty sure that this even ranks worse than the time I got my mother a cheap plastic pin for Christmas worth less than a quarter. That being said , she will quickly tell you that this is hard to determine that she nearly ordered me to commit harakiri to save face that year. It was tough being twelve int he Atchison house hold, I tell you.

Though I ofer hummor, I view what almost occured as no funny matter. (Nor did she really suggest that I conduct ceremonial suicide for a sub par gift. She just instilled the worst gift a woman can give a man; guilt.) When I got the news, I wasn't happy. I was crapping fairy dust and floating on air. I had no idea what I'd be doing here or how much I'd enjoy it. Once I did, however, I was even more enamored and for once in my life, truely focused. It was a mission I truely believed in, people I truely cared about, and a moment where it was clear that what was needed was a sudden increase in maturity and self reliance. I have been challenged phsyically and mentally. I have learned things about myself, and confirmed them.

Suicide has been a serious negative, touching more and more people as time goes by. It's rarely justified, nor is it ever the desired outcome or result. For those that ever doubt themselves, find themselves in weakness, or truely have no idea what to do, don't stay quiet. I was fortunate to not seek counseling or a chaplain, due to the fact that I have a mother who would kill me before letting me do anything as foolish as that. But for those that don't have... sigh.. The bestest mommies in the world that love their... Do I really have to tyoe this?... That love their Harry berry blue berries, at least do me a favor and give me a call. If my greatness intimidates you that much, please call the Suicide hotline, the number is listed below:

1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)

God, it was one pin. Now you know why she gets the best gifts every year. Oh, AND a $600, hand-woven, silk, Irainian rug. (I love you mom.)

- Sailor Harry

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Make a guess!

Listening to random music on my iPod. Bonus points for the person who can guess which song has the following monologue:

Today, I made an appearance downtown.
I am an expert witness; Because I say I am.
And I said, "Gentleman." And I use that world loosely.
I will testify for you.
I'm a gun for hire. I'm a saint. I'm a liar.
Because there are no facts. There is no truth.
Just data to be manipulated.
I can get you any result you like. What's it worth to ya?
Because there is no wrong. There is no right.
And I sleep very well at night.
There is no shame, no solution, no remorse, no retribution.
Just people selling t-shirts.
Just opportunity to participate in the pathetic little circus.
And winning, winning, winning....

Winner gets my respect. A hint, you ask? Sure, I guess. The singer is also credited for a certain ditty you might be familiar with. Something about a hotel in a west coast state.

Go ahead and email me if you think you know:

Just Counting Down The Days Now

I get here and the first thing I do is complain. WTF Harry? Jeeze, it's not like you'll be off to Kuwait and then home in a week... Oh right, I am. Wahoo! Wahoo, indeed.

The part of Baghdad I'm at actually has several cool things to see as there is literally a palace in my backyard and a man-made lake. Along the lake are several cool houses right on the water and the architecture is actually quite nice. Sadam had constructed the whole area for his Bath party buddies and the palace for himself. Not really a shame that we blew the place to Hell when we invaded.

Spent the day running the replacements around, to and from the airport. Good to get these guys finally out so they can start doing what we've done the last six months. Another Navy guy came back this afternoon and it was nice to catch up and great to see he came back with all his fingers and toes. This group has been most fortunate to not have any casulties or deaths. Not to deny that I haven't seen it or lost anyone over here, sad to say.

I will be taking pics of the palace, among other things while I'm here. Wednsday should be cool, as we have the artists for "Doonesbury" and "Pearls Before Swine", along with eight other cartoonists visiting the base. Hopeing to get the comics section of our newspaper here signed by these guys, especially by one of my favorites, "Pearls Before Swine".

Besides all that, not much going on here. Looking forward stepping off the plane and not having to come back here... As far as I know. Fingers crossed. ;)

Friday, October 16, 2009

How To Get Hot Chicks

Sometimes, when I need help understanding the opposite sex, I turn to Sarah Haskins.


Baghdad, I already know that we will get along so well. With your endless stream of Brass and uptight NCOs, where uniform regulation is most important, and PT belts reign supreme. Yes, Baghdad, full of history and never-ending headaches. The trip here wasn't peaches either. Who doesn't love being a sardine on a C-130, a fulll bladder and no where to relieve yourself for the next 3 hours? I instantly knew how much I'd like being here when the first question I was asked off the plane was, "You authorized to wear that?" Screw you, I'm wearing the damn patch.

It's also intersting to live with the same people replacing you. All the bright-eyed and naive WIT reliefs, and realizing you were just like them. The majority are the standard young family men, looking for glory and to fulfill a sense of duty. Hell, I'm right there with them. That being said, the sole exception is that these fellows are Amry with ARMY mentality. Do the job, but do it backwards first, find the mistakes, and still finds way to do it harder than it should be.

That being said, Navy recently dropped the ball with planning and not being issued spines. Seems they thought it be fine to not plan leaving this place till last minute, then not fight for it. It's like that sappy kid that keeps getting pushed around in a relationship, beding over backwards, then when it get's dumped, whines in your ear for the rest of the week. Minus the whining; I don't have time for that crap.

Speaking of BS, why do we have to go to Germany. The idea is to have the test in a place like Germany, Paris, or someplace else people would consider vacationing at, to give the troop a mental escape. I guess they never considered the idea that we may want to do that at home? 2 hour test that will require us to set aside a few days that isn't in my back yard with a beer in my hands. Europe be damned, I only want to go to those places on my time.

Going to be a tent for the next +week. I can't wait to leave this place, not just to go home, but because this place is going back in time, temperature-wise. I do love the feeling of sweat rolling down my family jewels. Oh yes, and with uniform regulations implemented like the neo-Ten Commandments, either full uniform or pt gear with reflective belt. Guess who also doesn't have pt shoes? Sweating like a pig. Goodbye t-shirts and shorts, hello ACUs.

I miss Speicher...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

POTD for October 14th, 2009: "All my bags are packed.."

Getting ready for a flight to Ballad, then to Baghdad. Don't I look thrilled? Maybe because I'm going off of 2 hours of sleep for two days. I love you insomnia.
Which brings me to another bane of my existence; Red Bull. Ah yes, the piss of demons, disguised as a gift from the angels. Back on my first deployment, I went through a 4 pack a day for 2 months, STRAIGHT. Kind of swore of the liquefied cocaine when I started hallucinating, became paranoid, and felt like I had insects crawling in my skin. Occasionally I will drink it, whether in a mixed drink or a late night road trip. I finally sent off all my crap in the mail today and had to grab a big can of the swill to keep going. Good times.
Being exhausted made me realize my talents as a writer and that I perform differently when I'm due for shut eye. While at times my mind will wander when it comes to simple crap, I tend to be more focused and determined in other tasks. On the ride over to the post office, I was rambling off in my head and wished I had my laptop to write it all down. I guess whenever I want to post here, I'll just stay up the whole night prior.
I'm scheduled to leave sometime this morning and will post how the whole trip went when I get to the capital, and get some well-deserved rest. I can't wait to get there and get yelled at about important things, like not wearing reflective belts, and being in Iraq and in the Navy. Yippee.

District 9 Review

Finally. After waiting for weeks and being delayed by a bad copy, I was able to see "District 9". Simply because of the fact that it looked like the best sci-fi movie this year, but also because of it being directed by Neill Bloomkamp. Besides having an extra "l" in his first name, Neill was originally given the duty to direct the now postponed Halo movie. I needed to see what could have been.

What I saw was impressive, to say the least. Though obviously CG, the action and scenes involving the aliens were extremely well done. The style how it was filmed, jumping between "interviews", security cameras, and normal, was an interesting approach.

Leading up to the when I actually watched it, I understood the premise. Alien refugees come to Earth, stopping above Johannesburg, South Africa. The World governments decide to support the aliens, however after 20 years, we get tired and transfer the species to live in a giant camp called "District 9". With them, the aliens bring weapons and technology that can only be used by them. A shady, world organization called "MNU" is trying to get a lucrative weapons contract by being the first to discover the secrets behind the technology.

During a random inspection of the Alien slums, an employee discovers an alien object, gets sprayed by a mysterious black liquid, and becomes infected with some sort of alien virus. The infection alters his DNA and allows him to use the alien technology. Discovering this, MNU chases after him in hopes to dissecting him and discovering whatever caused his mutations. The infected person escapes MNU in District 9.

Knowing all this, watching the movie still surprised me with it's story elements, yet also disappointed me. For one, I was expecting to actually like the characters and side with certain ones. The main protagonist, Wikus van der Merwe, is a rather big dork who is basically handed his job because he's married to his boss's daughter. At first, I didn't know if his wife would be some manipulative b**h, or as pathetic as he was, a perfect match. The father-in-law plays the same role as evil, the ends-justify-the-means-and-by-means-I-mean-I-get-richer, role as most villains, and the company he works for is just as sadistic. The aliens are being experimented on, and they have no problem cutting them or the "hero" up.

Which brings me to my next complaint, he never really is a hero. Wikus is played by Sharlto Copely, and it is his first feature film role. Not that you really care who Copely is, but he is signed on to star as H. M. Murdock in the upcoming theatrical remake of "The A-Team". Coeply is able to be believable, as he is definitely not larger than life, and I could feel his desperation as the movie played out. I had no issue with his performance, but was confused as I thought I would be "rooting" for him. The character is a dork, selfish, and the end of the movie doesn't exactly wrap up.

The aliens themselves were realistic. Not in the sense that they looked real, but if the scenario was real. I thought I would feel bad for them and we would feel complete pity for them. But like any mass group of refugees in one place for more than a short time, they start to wear out their welcome. It was interesting how they had the aliens addicted to cat food. Seeing the aliens act like crack addicts and desperately trade their weapons and belongings for cans from the local gangs and warlords was somewhat satirical. But like crack heads, its hard to find pity for them. True, you are in disgust when you see what MNU does to them, yet you can understand why Earth doesn't want them anymore. It also doesn't help the fact that they look like this.

Along with a couple small things, the one thing I noticed is that it felt a tad short. This really isn't a complaint, but it was just something I noticed. The action seemed a tad smaller than what the trailers implied. That being said, their plenty of gore of bodies literally being blown apart, human and alien-like.

I enjoyed it and the my money spent wasn't wasted. I really liked and was way more satisfied, rather than disappointed. Sci-Fi fans, this is a must, and to the rest, this should be worth one Sunday afternoon. If anything, Peter Jackson produced the film, so if that means anything to you...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sailor Harry goes to Freedom Rest

So the Army has places set around Iraq called Freedom Rest. Long explanation short, it's a place where troops can go a take a 3-day break. No set times or requirements, just 3 full days of do what you want, when you want. The small compound, (and I do mean small), came complete with a pool and 3 jacuzzies, 24-hour kitchen, plenty of computers, pool tables, and plenty of phones to call home. Let me start with the good, before I begin to ramble and rant.

The 24-hour kitchen was by far the best part of my stay. Being able to go into the area and grab a cup of coffee and a snack at 3AM if I wanted to was pretty sweet. The fact that the staff wanted the experience to be al a carte, where you ordered what you wanted instead of going into a chow line, was a brilliant idea as well. The pool was good, but I used the area to work on a tan more tan the pool itself. With the lack of a filter and no heater, surprisingly the water was freezing. Being in Iraq, I had no need of a jacuzzi. Calling home on something besides a sat phone, with constant drop-outs, was a nice change.

Now I have to critique, becuase this place was far from being perfect. To me, you go to places like this to "get away" from it all, and that's what the aim of the place is. Yet, it felt as though we were more confined to the place. Once you check in, you're there for the 3 full days. Guy tried to leave early, they wouldn't let him, even with his unit there to pick him up. With limited activities, it's easy to get bored. Normally, this wouldn't be too much of an issue, but this is the biggest issue I had with the place. While at Speicher, I have my own room, complete with couch, nice size HDTV, Xbox 360, desk, and best of all, more privacy then I would ever had had compared to being back on a ship. How is this place "relaxing" when you expect putting 4 guys into one room, to have no issue with that? Either get more space or take less people. It also doesn't help if one of your roomates has no problem waking up at 0530, moving his crap around, and slowly opening and closing doors, while bright lights shine into all of our eyes.

Another problem with the rooms was the fact that before I came there, I never had the issue that most do with sand fleas. These little, tiny bastards, get at you while you sleep and do what fleas do. It's not that we're unhygenic. It's the fact that we're in the desert and sand and dust gets into everything. The dinky bunk beds they had for us must have had them, because we were all harrassed.

There were other issues and I'm not paid to write reviews, so I'm not going to say much more. What I will add is this. I was hopeing to finally get a decent steak while I was there. After assuarances by the staff, I orderd a couple grilled steaks, and I orderd them all rare. What I got was steaks worst than what I would get at a normal DFAC. Harry was not amused, especially by the Ethiopian waiter smiling and nodding his head as if he understood English.

(I really had nothing to post, and this has been the only thing that has really happend in the last couple weeks. The picture has really nothing to do with this. I just woke up, leave me alone.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

POTD for October 7th, 2009: "Iraqi Master Chief"

Sorry, kind of been in a Halo-mood this past week. Ended up helping out at another Partnership event. Though this time, I mistook it for simple training. Boy was I wrong. Seems it was more along the line of a huge publicity stunt for high brass and Iraqi leaders. So what did that mean for Sailor Harry. Oh I had the besttest of times! Who wouldn't want to sit in full gear, inside one of the dustiest of Humvees with no A/C, on one of the hottest days of the last 2 weeks, and sit and wait for 3 hours, waiting for people to show up. Really showed them what the Iraqis could do, especially how we rehearsed the whole event and went step by step with them, before any of them were there. Oh they knew what they were doing. ;)

UPDATE: So, as was and still is expected, dates were changed. I probably will still end up coming home around the same time I think I will. The nice thing is my Chief doesn't want us hanging around for BS and is sending us to Freedom Rest for a few days this Friday. At this mini-troop resort, I should be able to swim around in the pool, sleep as much as I want, and maybe even get a steak cooked how I want it: Bloody with a dark, cool center. Nummers big time!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I'm such a Halo nerd....

Yes, I got a custom patch that says ODST* on it.

Yes, I wore it around the whole entire base.

Yes, I got yelled at for it.
Yes, it was worth it and totally awesome!


Yes, I'm still single.

*(ODST is the newest game in the Halo video game series. ODST stands for Orbital Drop Shock Troopers.)

Want a patch? LET ME KNOW!