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Thursday, July 23, 2009

POTD for July 23rd, 2009: "Hero in Disguise"

POTD - Pic of the Day - Sailor Harry tries to provide his loving public a glimpse at the what he sees in the Sandbox, almost every day.

Sooooooooooooooo, yeah. I hate the fact I keep lolly-gagging when it comes to updating this thing. Sadly, this is due to the fact that, like most, I'm simply lazy and have the self-righteous interpretation of not wanting to be bothered. As much as I want you all to loathe me and my lack of writing, keep in mind that while I am in an Army uniform and armed with guns, bullets, knives and the occasional explosive, understand that I am not an extra on an episode of "Generation Kill" or "The Unit". The vast majority of US forces in Iraq spends their time fighting the same enemy, boredom. That's not to say we're sitting with our hands under our rumps and your tax dollars are a complete waste, (I said complete waste.) We have our day jobs, whether it's patrolling the streets of Baghdad, writing reports all day, or prepping food that won't get eaten till three days later.

What I'm attempting to explain is the simple fact that every day isn't explosively exciting. I'm saying that, while a little effort on my part could alleviate the situation, it is hard to have daily postings with interesting topics. I plan to actually update this as often as I can. To assist me in this endeavour, I have a schedule on what to write about, topics, titles, and such. When things happen, I'll write about them the next day.

POTD entries, such as this one, have always been popular and I feel bad they've been lacking. I made a promise and it's sadly fallen through the cracks. I plan to make it easier by posting a Pic-O'-the-Day every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The blog entries will have pics with them, but POTD will be more focused on the picture and why I posted it. I also plan on sending out an email to the POTD list with several pics attached. I am hoping that this will quiet the voices inside your heads, screaming and wailing, while crying out for my blood. I will also mail everyone Risperidone, because, (CONGRATS!!!), the voices prove you all have Schizophrenia.

Half way done!! Hooray! After June 30th SOFA going into place, I've started longing for home. I'll express my opinion on said, non-furniture, tomorrow. The EOD techs held a nice BBQ and it was nice to know that soon we could do the same thing with our families and friends, in a more friendly environment.

Yesterday was the start of something. Seeing how we're so busy now... Dart, I forget sometimes sarcasm is more difficult when not spoken. Seeing how we are what we are, my chief has lent me out to assist with the Counter-IED trainers. What this means is I'll get a nice bullet for my eval and run around pretending to be evil, hajji man. I wear a man dress and emplace and detonate IEDs on participating convoy. Dirt gets tossed in the air and there is a loud boom. As I fall to the ground, simulating getting shot as I run away from the convoy, I'm happy to know that all those years acting in school plays finally payed off. Forget Broadway, this is more fun anyway. It's like Hamlet taking the skull and throwing it at the audience. I just pray the Reservists and National Guard members I train don't accidentally mix blanks with their live ammo. Today's POTD is a buddy of mine getting ready for the training.

Lastly, I want to let everybody know I'm back at Speicher, the big base. Thanks for everyone who sent me mail. THANKS SO MUCH!! After a month, its safe to say I got enough snacks and things to keep me busy for a while. While email and especially phone calls are wonderful, mail has such a bigger impact to individuals out here. I appreciate everything you guys do send me, whether it's on paper, in a box, or through email.

A couple of you have commented on the ability of NOT being able to leave comments on the blog. I don't want people creating accounts, just so they can leave comments. I'm still trying to fix this issue, but for the time being I still check my email. I'd be more willing and able to respond to an email than an anonymous post, don't you think.

- Sailor Harry

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