Posts and Such

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New Beginnings: In other words, FIRST POST!

"This is the first night of the tour. Thought I'd give it a try." - Robin Williams: Live 2002

So I thought I'd go for this blog thing. Apparently a couple of my emails back home were funny enough for a couple people to comment that I should save a few of them. Firstly, I will post the couple good ones. Look forward to my daily pics from Iraq and some quick stories for your entertainment and enjoyment.

Hopefully I can get a few readers here and this can continue and become more than just a place for my posts from Iraq.

Today's picture shows why Navy is better than Army. Though it looks like something you'd see at a nature center, you can be sure it's more comfortable and awesome-er than wearing Army ACUs in this heat. I fondly refer to it as my "Ranger Rick" uniform and I happily stroll around this tiny place, garnering nothing but dirty looks and curious stares. It's nice to see the bothersome SGT Majors, confused as hell, trying to determine whether they should take the chance and inspect my authorized, Navy "uniform".

I don't leave the Wire in this getup, but I'm sure if I were, it would be awesome... till the first bullet whizzes by my head, that is.

1 comment:

  1. Nice uniform Harry, sunglasses and all. Should have known that you'd find a grill sooner or later.Now decrease the tempeture a few degrees, add a nice lawn and you'll realy be living.

    From Leona
