Posts and Such

Cleaned and showered. Don't worry. :)

Questions, comments, and insults: I'll take them all.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

POTD for July 29th, 2009 "Group Shot"

What to write about? If that wasn't a rhetorical question! Whew, has work drained me these last couple of weeks. IEDs, evidence coming in, people to meet, training sessions, a joint Iraqi-US EOD conference... I've been working hard, to say the least. But let me talk about the conference.

The Iraqi Police, (IP), came to Speicher for a conference with Navy EOD. While the IP Colonels spoke with our higher-ups, the EOD techs and myself spent time with the IPs and their EOD team, to conduct training and to get to know one another. The training went all day and the officers spent the night.

So far, our relationship with the Iraqis has been a bit onesided. It would seem most come to the training not to really learn anything, but to use our services. They always bring about six empty fuel cans to fill up on free gas and simply look forward to the free meals in our DFAC. I can't really blame them as life is crappy compared to our situation here.
They have been more active but knowing that part of their security forces is a paid militia, made up of former enemies and insurgents, worries me. They've had members walk off the job at security checkpoints because of lack of payment. Just think of the negatives that will come of this. Hopefully we will all be out of here soon enough.

Besides this, I'd still rather be here, doing what I'm doing than be back on the ship. I did my time on the seas, and now I'm doing real work for my country. When the time comes for me to come home, I will enjoy the time spent with my friends and family. I also can't lie and deny that a real beer wouldn't be nice.

- Sailor Harry

Thursday, July 23, 2009

POTD for July 23rd, 2009: "Hero in Disguise"

POTD - Pic of the Day - Sailor Harry tries to provide his loving public a glimpse at the what he sees in the Sandbox, almost every day.

Sooooooooooooooo, yeah. I hate the fact I keep lolly-gagging when it comes to updating this thing. Sadly, this is due to the fact that, like most, I'm simply lazy and have the self-righteous interpretation of not wanting to be bothered. As much as I want you all to loathe me and my lack of writing, keep in mind that while I am in an Army uniform and armed with guns, bullets, knives and the occasional explosive, understand that I am not an extra on an episode of "Generation Kill" or "The Unit". The vast majority of US forces in Iraq spends their time fighting the same enemy, boredom. That's not to say we're sitting with our hands under our rumps and your tax dollars are a complete waste, (I said complete waste.) We have our day jobs, whether it's patrolling the streets of Baghdad, writing reports all day, or prepping food that won't get eaten till three days later.

What I'm attempting to explain is the simple fact that every day isn't explosively exciting. I'm saying that, while a little effort on my part could alleviate the situation, it is hard to have daily postings with interesting topics. I plan to actually update this as often as I can. To assist me in this endeavour, I have a schedule on what to write about, topics, titles, and such. When things happen, I'll write about them the next day.

POTD entries, such as this one, have always been popular and I feel bad they've been lacking. I made a promise and it's sadly fallen through the cracks. I plan to make it easier by posting a Pic-O'-the-Day every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The blog entries will have pics with them, but POTD will be more focused on the picture and why I posted it. I also plan on sending out an email to the POTD list with several pics attached. I am hoping that this will quiet the voices inside your heads, screaming and wailing, while crying out for my blood. I will also mail everyone Risperidone, because, (CONGRATS!!!), the voices prove you all have Schizophrenia.

Half way done!! Hooray! After June 30th SOFA going into place, I've started longing for home. I'll express my opinion on said, non-furniture, tomorrow. The EOD techs held a nice BBQ and it was nice to know that soon we could do the same thing with our families and friends, in a more friendly environment.

Yesterday was the start of something. Seeing how we're so busy now... Dart, I forget sometimes sarcasm is more difficult when not spoken. Seeing how we are what we are, my chief has lent me out to assist with the Counter-IED trainers. What this means is I'll get a nice bullet for my eval and run around pretending to be evil, hajji man. I wear a man dress and emplace and detonate IEDs on participating convoy. Dirt gets tossed in the air and there is a loud boom. As I fall to the ground, simulating getting shot as I run away from the convoy, I'm happy to know that all those years acting in school plays finally payed off. Forget Broadway, this is more fun anyway. It's like Hamlet taking the skull and throwing it at the audience. I just pray the Reservists and National Guard members I train don't accidentally mix blanks with their live ammo. Today's POTD is a buddy of mine getting ready for the training.

Lastly, I want to let everybody know I'm back at Speicher, the big base. Thanks for everyone who sent me mail. THANKS SO MUCH!! After a month, its safe to say I got enough snacks and things to keep me busy for a while. While email and especially phone calls are wonderful, mail has such a bigger impact to individuals out here. I appreciate everything you guys do send me, whether it's on paper, in a box, or through email.

A couple of you have commented on the ability of NOT being able to leave comments on the blog. I don't want people creating accounts, just so they can leave comments. I'm still trying to fix this issue, but for the time being I still check my email. I'd be more willing and able to respond to an email than an anonymous post, don't you think.

- Sailor Harry

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Let me start by apologizing by my recent lack of postings. I hate falling behind, but to be honest, not much has changed where I'm at.

I did however get an email from my ship listing the available orders that I will be able to choose from for my next duty station. I know I said my first choice was England, but that has yet to be seen as available. So far I can choose from:

North Carolina
South Korea

Not exactly what I had in mind, but I plan on speaking to the Detailer and figuring this out. If I had to choose one of them, it would either be Japan or Hawaii. I joined the Navy so I could live and be stationed in a foreign country. Wrong continent, however, Japan seems pretty cool. Luckily I have a buddy who is stationed there who I haven't seen since school three years ago, and it would be awesome to be able to see him again.

Its unfortunate if I won't be able to go back to England, to visit London, and be in a location where less than $50 will get you to either France or Ireland. If I can't work it out, it looks like I'll at least be in a place where sushi is easy to come by and maybe I'd be able to figure out how to get a trip to China. With my job being what it is, it seems like they wouldn't let me go, but it would be awesome to go to one of my favorite countries.

For those wondering, it would be at Yokosuka, one of the largest Naval bases, rivaling Pearl and Norfolk. I have never been to the East, save Australia, and it would be nice to go to a place I've never been. It seems you haven't gotten the full Naval experience if you haven't been to the following places:

New York City
San Diego
Rota, Spain
Sydney/Perth, Australia

I also hear that Singapore can be substituted with Tiawana, but that's for those who enjoy tequila and giant sombreros, (right dad?) Just kidding.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pre-Call Checklist

Three calls in a 24-hour period runs you ragged, believe me.

Before every call, I make sure I do these following steps:
1. Roger up on the radio.
2. Ensure uniform is sat.
3. Make sure I have camera and memory card.
4. Grab body armor and WIT backpack, and get into EOD vehicle.
5. Put on body armor, helmet, and gloves
6. Load magazine into 9mm Beretta pistol.
7. Listen to debrief.
8. Rock out to "For those About to Rock, We Salute You" by ACDC.
9. Pretend I'm the star of CBS's new hit drama: CSI: Baghdad, put on tinted eye pro, and say cheesy line.

POTD for July 7th, 2009 : "Young Fans"

POTD - Pic of the Day - Sailor Harry tries to provide his loving public a glimpse at the what he sees in the Sandbox, almost every day.

"Young Fans" - I should have known this would have happenend. I go and write that we rarely get a call these days. I went on two in one day, yesterday. This picture was taken on the fifth. Right before I could post my last one, we got the call and off I went. We had to wait for some Iraqi escorts and some curious, local children approached us for a ball. Unfortunately we didn't have one, but the LT got out and we had a really nice PR moment. With the terp's help, the LT handed out water and sodas to the kids.

We picked up some turned in items and the two recent calls were similar in nature. That's the majority of the things I have done so far. Fortunately, some of my personal work has actually done some good, where they've actually identified people and the evidence is being used in the courts to put the bad people away. It makes me smile as I have found a job where I actually feel like I have an ACTUAL purpose and my work is meaningful.. It's always nice to get an email with pictures of evidence you've actually collected and a face of the owner.

Its hard to believe, but time does blur by faster than you know it. Seems like it's been only a month, but its more like three. Navy deployments only last about 6-7 months, so I'm nearly half way done. I still will have a few months in Norfolk, but I am looking forward to getting home and picking new orders. I still plan on England, but I have an open mind and you never know what is available ahead of time. I won't know till at least August.

I look forward coming home and seeing you all again. I also plan on spending a week in Seattle with a couple relatives who I always seem to miss whenever they've visit Maryland. I plan on spending time with Caroline and seeing her at college, having belated college graduation celebrations with Josh, Curtis, and Jeff, and of course spending time with my parents and Sydney. Thank you all for your emails and as soon as I get my mail, I will be thanking everyone who sent me something.

Take care and I'm still having a "blast". - Sailor Harry

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Funny how fast a year can go by. You don't realize it till you stop and actually think about it. Another year, another Independence day. Last Year, I was in Boston when my ship pulled in. Boston was awesome and I went and saw the Boston Pops, getting myself on TV every other five minutes. Now I'm in Iraq. If you would have told me last year what I would be doing at this exact moment, a year later, I would have looked at you funny.

My family enjoyed their holiday with friends and they told me they missed me. I missed them and I look forward to seeing them when I get home. Right now, I'm with a second type of family. The FOB, (Forward Operating Base) I'm at is tiny. Yet, the two EOD teams make the place seem even smaller. I'm not complaining about the size, in fact, I prefer the close community of ours. Both teams have three members and I go out with both. Being the only WIT guy, I don't get to trade off with someone, and I go on every call.

The DFAC, (chow hall), served BBQ from 12-5pm all day, and the base had games and activities for all personnel. We ended doing our thing, which was taking it easy, watching Band of Brothers, and a couple of us threw some water balloons at each other. The temperature was actually one of the cooler days, but I'm sure that was due to the fact that it was orange outside and the dust kept out some of the heat. Crappy to breath, but we weren't sweating to death. The chow was actually pretty darn decent and for dinner, our LT hooked up the grill, grabbed a couple of near-beers and cooked some hot dogs and chicken wings. It was excellent and the non-alcoholic beer even gave it a nice taste.

One of the gents had his 20th birthday and our friend who works in the DFAC was able to nab a cake for him. Brought a pleasant Independence day to a close and the cake was delicious. Unfortunately no fireworks, though I think if there were anything making loud booms, we would be worried about that. Being EOD, it tempted a few pyros to think up some stuff, but we enjoyed the cake instead.

Had a call on Friday, which ended up being delayed, then cancelled. I sent the rest of the day asleep.
The second before I hit "Publish Post", the security team came over the radio with a call. I will have pics in the next post.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

POTD for July 2nd, 2009: "The Real Bomberman"

POTD - Pic of the Day - Sailor Harry tries to provide his loving public a glimpse at the what he sees in the Sandbox, almost every day.

"The Real Bomberman" - Today's picture shows one of the many heroes out here. After the rope attached to both of the charges thrown from our truck, snapped. SFC Bray put on the bomb suit, faced the brutal heat, and attached the line to do a remote pull.
Finally did another mission, after about 3 weeks of nothing. Saw a different part of the country, as we were in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by palm groves and farm lands. The temperature, however, was just as "wonderful". Took about an hour's worth of driving and the ride back in the 249mm turret made the ride no better. Driving through the farms, I got the chance to share warm greetings with some children, so that was nice.
Seems like they like to bug us with something, once a week. Nice though that the it seems the Iraqi EOD teams are taking care of the allot of the turn-ins and destroying the stuff on their own.
Besides the call yesterday, it's been pretty quiet.