Posts and Such

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Let me start by apologizing by my recent lack of postings. I hate falling behind, but to be honest, not much has changed where I'm at.

I did however get an email from my ship listing the available orders that I will be able to choose from for my next duty station. I know I said my first choice was England, but that has yet to be seen as available. So far I can choose from:

North Carolina
South Korea

Not exactly what I had in mind, but I plan on speaking to the Detailer and figuring this out. If I had to choose one of them, it would either be Japan or Hawaii. I joined the Navy so I could live and be stationed in a foreign country. Wrong continent, however, Japan seems pretty cool. Luckily I have a buddy who is stationed there who I haven't seen since school three years ago, and it would be awesome to be able to see him again.

Its unfortunate if I won't be able to go back to England, to visit London, and be in a location where less than $50 will get you to either France or Ireland. If I can't work it out, it looks like I'll at least be in a place where sushi is easy to come by and maybe I'd be able to figure out how to get a trip to China. With my job being what it is, it seems like they wouldn't let me go, but it would be awesome to go to one of my favorite countries.

For those wondering, it would be at Yokosuka, one of the largest Naval bases, rivaling Pearl and Norfolk. I have never been to the East, save Australia, and it would be nice to go to a place I've never been. It seems you haven't gotten the full Naval experience if you haven't been to the following places:

New York City
San Diego
Rota, Spain
Sydney/Perth, Australia

I also hear that Singapore can be substituted with Tiawana, but that's for those who enjoy tequila and giant sombreros, (right dad?) Just kidding.

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